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To Do

(Originally written Spring 2015) Here’s your to-do list for being a healthy, happy, balanced, well-rounded, socially-conscious, ethically-responsible young female millennial (while in college): Study for classes Work at least part-time  Maintain 4.0 GPA  Participate in an internship  Check in regularly with your professors/advisors Study abroad; see the world  Be involved in a team sport/activity Cultivate your hobbies Be well read; read books regularly (in addition to required reading) Go on trips regularly But also explore your hometown/city/state Always have some money saved/be saving for the future Have a “bucket list” Cross things off your “bucket list” Keep houseplants alive Pursue your passions Take up gardening; grow your own produce Recycle recyclables and compost biodegradables Keep garbage waste to a minimum Care for animals Meditate regularly Pray every morning and night Exercise regularly Keep your legs/armpits/etc. shaven and ...

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