Why I Write

(Originally written Wednesday, September 3, 2014)

I write to let go of feelings and memories that hurt. I write to hold onto moments and emotions I want to cherish. I write because I have much to say, but not always the time, place or audience (to whom) to say it.

I write because I am an empath. I write because I feel emotions so strongly and intensely that sometimes I feel weighed down by their heaviness, like a sponge soaked in water, and writing is a way of wringing myself out so I can be free, be light and move on until once more I have soaked up too many emotions and must be wrung out anew.

I write because I cry; because I laugh; because I see; because I listen. I write because I’m afraid if I don’t, then it’ll be as if I’d never done any of those things at all.

I write because it’s one of the only forms of magic left in this world. I long to reveal magic and light and wonder in this life in a miserable, mundane, muggle world.


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